Dean Gale Sapphire turned out to be one of the best learning curves you can have she was an amazing character and to this day we haven't owned one since with her intellect but will hit on that another day. The photo though old and worn is of her, her 7 babies by Ch Rogue Saga and finally but not least our baby son Dean who was about 15 months old and from the word go we put the fire guard around Nell's box not to keep her and the puppies in but to keep Dean out, by the way Dean will be 19 in November...
Nell had some lovely pup's and her and Meggie (Nell's daughter) in the other pic can be tracked down to todays breeding and such bitches as Ch Cragailes Black'een, Duchess Black Beauty are just two that are well known today...
She had two sons of note that went onto produce good stock one being Storming Norman and Alport Evertonian Blue Boy
I will post some pic's of the older lines as we go along...
awwwww Deb , bless him :-) that's luvverly xx
What a lovely photo, Dean looks so content! Have you got any pics of Nell with Brewster and his brother and sisters?
Hi Jane
Yes some with my old photographs but need to get a new scanner so can upload them on here or I can have a look and bring them to to the handling class and you might be able to scan them for me
Great! Bring them to handling class, will scan them. If you have any of Brew's dad would love to see him too.
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